Easy Baby Vege Porridge宝宝便利蔬菜粥

Easy Baby Vege Porridge宝宝便利蔬菜粥


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SKU: Easy Baby -7830 Categories:

适合人群 Recommended Consumption:

7个月以上的小朋友至大人都可以吃 Suitable for baby aged 7 months above and adults.


净重 Net Weight:40g+-

成分 Ingredients:

胚芽米、有机萝卜干、羊肚菌 Germ Rice, Organic Dried Carrot, Morel Mushroom

功效 Efficacy:

健脾开胃、提高免疫力、化痰理气 Supports digestion and appetite, Boosts immune system, and Helps expectoration and Qi regulation.


净重 Net Weight:42g+-

成分 Ingredients:

胚芽米、有机萝卜干、淮山 Germ Rice, Organic Dried Carrot, Chinese Yam

功效 Efficacy:

增强免疫力、健脾开胃 Boosts immune system, Aids digestion and appetite.


净重 Net Weight:41g+-

成分 Ingredients:

胚芽米、有机西兰花干、淮山 Germ Rice, Organic Dried Broccoli, Chinese Yam

功效 Efficacy:

补充营养、增强免疫力、健脾开胃、改善便秘问题 Provides nutritional supplementation, Enhances immune system, Aids digestion and appetite, and Improves constipation.


净重 Net Weight:51g+-

成分 Ingredients:

有机小米、富士苹果干、红枣 Organic Millet, Dried Fuji Apple, Red Dates

功效 Efficacy:

健脾养胃、缓解疲劳、改善便秘问题、增强免疫力Nourishes the spleen and stomach, Relieves fatigue, Improves constipation, and Boosts immune system.


净重 Net Weight:47g+-

成分 Ingredients:

有机小米、有机南瓜干、有机紫薯干 Organic Millet, Dried Pumpkin, Dried purple sweet potato

功效 Efficacy:

补充营养、健脾开胃、润肤、增强免疫力Provides nutritional supplementation, Aids digestion and appetite, Nourishes the skin, and Enhances immune system.


净重 Net Weight:41g+-

成分 Ingredients:

有机小米、有机紫薯干、雪耳 Snow Fungus Organic Millet, Dried Pumpkin, Dried purple sweet potato,Snow Fungus 

功效 Efficacy:

润肤、增强免疫力、润肺止咳 Nourishes the skin, Enhances immune system, and Soothes the lungs and Relieves cough.






经过特殊处理的大米更能保留其中的营养💕 含有丰富的蛋白质、膳食纤维、维生素、矿物质和微量元素等!而且口感更绵密好吃


1⃣️ SLOW COOKER、炖煮锅、养生壶、火

2⃣️ 打成米糊/泥给宝宝吃

3⃣️ 比较大月龄的宝宝可以蒸饭

Additional Information

Weight 0.15 kg
Dimensions 3.00 × 3.00 × 3.00 cm

AppleRedDates, PumpkinPurplePotato, BroccoliYam, MorelCarrot, PurpePotatoSnowFungu, CarrotYam


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