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Baby Morning Cereal Ring秋田满满多元谷物圈

Baby Morning Cereal Ring秋田满满多元谷物圈


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SKU: Baby Morni-9415 Category:

秋田满满 谷物圈 原味40g  奶酪味 50g/罐 

保 质 期:12个月






QTMM : Morning Cereal Ring Original Flavor 40g Cheese Flavor 50g/Can

Shelf life: 12 months

Suitable for the crowd: babies over 10 months old

➢Choose purple potato, spinach, cabbage fresh vegetables and grind them into powder

➢Non-fried, low bake

➢5 big no additives; no white sugar, no flavor enhancer, no edible salt, no preservatives, no coloring

➢Add fructo-oligosaccharide (FOS), water-soluble dietary fiber
