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Baby Cheese Biscuit宝宝馋了 芝士饼干

Baby Cheese Biscuit宝宝馋了 芝士饼干


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SKU: Baby Chees-403 Category:

(Ready Stock)宝宝馋了 芝士饼干 85g 12m+

保 质 期: 12个月


净含量 :85g/ 16小袋

储存方式 : 阴凉,通风干燥处避开光



不添加香精, 人工色素,增味剂,防腐剂

(Ready Stock) BBCL Cheese Biscuit 85g 12m+

Shelf life: 12 months

Suitable for the crowd: babies over 12 months

Net content: 85g/4 sachets

Storage method: in a cool, ventilated and dry place away from light

Cheese biscuits without additives, imported cheese powder

New Zealand imported milk powder, better taste

No added flavors, artificial colors, flavor enhancers, preservatives
