Woxiaoya Baby Cod Fish Ball窝小芽婴幼儿鳕鱼球

Woxiaoya Baby Cod Fish Ball窝小芽婴幼儿鳕鱼球


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SKU: Woxiaoya B-2645 Category:

√ 含≥30%的鳕鱼肉添加量,拒绝鱼味粉只用鳕鱼
√ 非油炸工艺,先进挤压膨化技术,口感酥脆入口易溶。
√ ≥1cm 的球状设计,培养自主进食,锻炼抓取,完全不卡喉。
√ 除基础原料以外,其他配料都是特别添加的营养强化剂。
√ 无蔗糖, 呵护宝宝的口腔健康。
√ 独立包装,便携卫生,不易潮变

本品含有鱼类及其制品 (鳕鱼)

鳕鱼肉 (30%),大米粉,玉米粉,淀粉,碳酸钙,维生素B1 (盐酸硫胺素)

√ 食用前清洗双手,抓取开袋食用。
√ 用温奶或温水泡至融化,用小勺捞食或搅拌成糊状食用。
√ 每次 6g(1包),或根据宝宝食用情况适量调整。推荐食用量仅供参考。

√ 不具备完全自主进食能力,须在家长监护下食用
√ 食用时必须保持坐立姿势,安静食用。避免仰卧或趴卧食用。
√ 建议食用过程中或食用后适当饮水,以帮助消化。
√ 本品易潮,开封后请尽快食用。

【Baby Cod Fish Ball】
The cod fish used in WoXiaoYa Baby Cod Fish Ball contains very rich protein, and the exclusive snacks for the baby accompany the baby to grow up healthily and happily.
√ Containing ≥30% of cod fish meat addition, reject fish flavor powder and only use cod fish.
√ Non-fried technology, advanced extrusion technology, crispy taste and easy to melt in the mouth.
√ The spherical design of ≥1cm cultivates independent eating, exercises and grasping, and does not jam the throat at
√ Except for the basic raw materials, other ingredients are specially added nutritional supplements.
√ No sucrose, care for your baby's oral health.
√ Individually packaged, portable and hygienic, not easy to change from moisture

【Allergy Information】
This product contains fish and its products (cod fish)

Cod Fish (30%), rice flour, corn flour, starch, calcium carbonate, vitamin B1 (thiamine hydrochloride)

【Suggested consumption】
√ Wash your hands before eating, grab and open the bag for consumption.
√ Soak in warm milk or warm water until melted, use a small spoon to eat or stir to make a paste.
√ 6g (1 pack) each time, or adjust the amount according to the baby's consumption. The recommended serving size is for reference only.

【Beware Notice】
√ Do not have the ability to eat completely autonomously and must be eaten under parental supervision
√ When eating, you must maintain a sitting posture and eat quietly. Avoid lying on your back or lying on your stomach.
√ It is recommended to drink water during or after eating to help digestion.
√ This product is damp, please consume it as soon as possible after opening.

Additional Information

重量 0.20 公斤
尺寸 3.00 × 3.00 × 3.00 厘米

Cod Fish Ball鳕鱼球



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