Woxiaoya Animal Biscuits窝小芽动物饼干

Woxiaoya Animal Biscuits窝小芽动物饼干


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【婴幼儿动物饼干】没有零食的童年是不完整的~ 宝宝的胃容量小,运动量又比较大只靠一日三餐,营养摄入很难维持生长发育,零食大多能起到精致动作的发育目的,选对零食,不要吃过量,益处还是很多哒!!抱着这样的心态我们调配了数不清的配方。希望将零食做的好吃,分量又刚好就这样, 我们终于带来了这款高钙营养的婴幼儿动物饼干。√ 脆韧小可爱的婴幼儿动物饼干
√ 高钙高铁
√ 低温烘烤,浓郁麦香
√ 4种动物造型,有利于宝宝建立联想关系
√ 独立包装,便携卫生,不易潮变

6~12月龄 : 5-10g
13~36月龄 : 10-30g


√ 不添加食用盐
√ 不添加蔗糖
√ 不添加鸡蛋
√ 不添加香精


√ 开袋即食,或将饼干碾碎用温水、温奶调匀食用。
√ 食用前请洗净双手,让宝宝自己抓取,慢慢食用。
√ 搭配温开水,果汁泥,酸奶食用,风味更佳。

√ 不具备完全自主进食能力者,须在家长监护下食用。
√ 食用时必须保持坐立姿势,安静食用。避免仰卧或趴卧食用,以免被噎。
√ 建议食用过程中及食用后适当饮水,以帮助消化。

【Baby Animal Biscuit】
Childhood without baby snack is incomplete ~ the baby's stomach capacity is small, the amount of exercise is relatively large. Consume three meals a day, nutritional intake is difficult to maintain growth and development, snacks can mostly play a delicate action of the development purpose, choose the right snack, do not eat too much, the benefits are still a lot!! With that mindset in mind, we mixed countless recipes. Hoping to make the snack delicious and the portion size just like that, we finally brought this high-calcium nutrition baby animal biscuit.
√ Crunchy little cute baby animal biscuits
√ High-calcium, high iron
√ Baked at low temperatures with a rich wheat aroma
√ 4 kinds of animal shapes, which is conducive to the baby to establish an associative relationship
√ Individually packaged, portable and hygienic, not easy to change from moisture

Wheat flour (≥77%), pear juice concentrate, sunflower oil, complex minerals [calcium (dibasic calcium phosphate, calcium carbonate), iron (iron pyrophosphate), zinc (zinc lactate)], multivitamins [vitamin A (vitamin A acetate), vitamin D (vitamin D3), vitamin B1 (thiamine hydrochloride), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), niacin (niacinamide)], ammonium bicarbonate, sodium bicarbonate

【No added】
No Salt
No Cane Sugar
No egg
No Essence

【Recommended daily consumption】
6-12 months of age: 5-10g
13 to 36 months of age: 10-30g

【Allergy Information】
This product contains gluten grains and their products

【Suggested consumption】
√ Eat it out of the bag, or crush the biscuits with warm water and warm milk.
√ Wash your hands before eating, let your baby grab it on his own, and eat slowly.
√ Serve with warm boiled water, juice puree, yogurt for a better flavor.

【Beware Notice】
√ Those who do not have the ability to eat completely independently must eat under the supervision of their parents.
√ When eating, it must be eaten in a sitting position and eat quietly. Avoid eating on your back or on your stomach to
avoid choking.
√ It is recommended to drink water appropriately during and after consumption to aid digestion.

Additional Information

重量 0.15 公斤
尺寸 1.00 × 1.00 × 1.00 厘米




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