Somama Baby Food Organic jade embryo rice(8m+)香港苏嫲嫲8个月以上 宝宝有机BB玉胚米

Somama Baby Food Organic jade embryo rice(8m+)香港苏嫲嫲8个月以上 宝宝有机BB玉胚米


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Organic jade embryo (500g):
a little grainy. Selected non-GMO organic corn crushed. Suitable for cooking porridge over 8 months old, add after rice after 1 year old. It has the functions of regulating the middle and appetizing stomach, benefiting the lungs and calming the heart, clearing dampness and heat, promoting liver and gallbladder. Contains carbohydrates, protein, fat, carotene. The vitamin content is very high, 5-10 times that of rice and wheat. Can be used with germ rice/small yellow rice for porridge

有机玉胚仔(500克):有点颗粒感。精选非转基因有机玉米打碎。适合8个月以上煮粥,1岁后在米饭后添加。具有调中开胃益肺宁心,清湿热,利肝胆等功能。含有碳水化合物、蛋白质、脂肪、胡萝卜素。维生素含量非常高,是稻米、小麦的5-10倍。 可以胚芽米/小黄米搭配煮粥

Cooking tips
In the process of cooking porridge, stir it every few minutes to prevent sticky bottom. The porridge will become more delicious if the high fire is boiled, and the porridge will become more delicious if it is boiled for a while on a low fire. Add enough water at a time, and the porridge will become thin if you add water in the middle.

熬粥的过程, 每隔几分钟搅拌一次, 防止粘底。大火烧开, 小火多煮一段时间, 粥会变得更加可口。 水一次加够, 中途加水粥会变稀。

监制: 香港宜安农业有限公司
总经销商: 广东坤辉农业技术开发有限公司
适合人群:8个月以上煮粥 / 1岁后蒸软饭
储存方法:有机米存放受温度, 湿度影响较大, 开封后尽快吃完,建议存放在冰箱的保鲜层·

Producer: Hong Kong Yian Agriculture Co., Ltd.
General distributor: Guangdong Kunhui Agricultural Technology Development Co., Ltd.
Net content: 480g
Shelf life: 18 months in vacuum packaging
Suitable for the crowd: cooking porridge over 8 months / steaming soft rice after 1 year old
Storage method: The storage of organic rice is greatly affected by temperature and humidity. Eat it as soon as possible after opening. It is recommended to store it in the fresh-keeping layer of the refrigerator.

Additional Information

重量 0.60 公斤
尺寸 4.00 × 4.00 × 4.00 厘米

Jade embryo rice



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