MommyJ Baby Rice Organic Grain宝宝有机珍珠米

MommyJ Baby Rice Organic Grain宝宝有机珍珠米


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STEP 1 – Baby Natural Mono-Grain 天然珍珠白米

Suitable for 6m+

✔️Pearl White Rice is almost ALLERGIES FREE to baby

✔️ easy to be digested and full of nutrients especially protein & amino acid which are essential for baby development

✔️ 经过精挑细选,是有机原生态种植与无任何添加剂 的谷类。

✔️ 由营养专家的黄金配方,专为6个月或以上宝宝的成长配方。

✔️ 口感适宜, 易于宝宝消化

STEP 2 – Baby Organic Natural DUO-Grain 🍚 天然珍珠米& 有机小米

Suitable for 6m+

✔️Soft cooked to a semi-liquid consistency with its light & fluffy texture which easily to digest by the little one

✔️当宝宝已食用STEP 1 Baby Organic Mono-Grain 一段时间,是时候介绍STEP 2 Baby Organic Duo-Grain了



STEP 3 – Baby Organic Natural TRI-Grain 🍚天然珍珠米, 有机小米 & 有机 小小米(白色)

Suitable for 8m+

✔️Provide good source of vitamin and minerals especially ORGANIC WHITE QUINOA which easily to be digested

✔️contains healthy omega-3 which help little’s one brain development.

✔️经过精挑细选,是有机原生态种植与无任何添加剂 的谷类

✔️ 由营养专家的黄金配方,专为8个月或以上宝宝的成长配方

✔️ 全面性的均衡营养,含高维生素组合,蛋白质等等


STEP 4 – Baby Organic Natural MULTI-Grain

🍚有机珍珠米, 有机原生态种植Bario黑米, 有机培植原生态Bario红米, 有机玉米粒, 有机小米, 有机 小小米(白色)

Suitable for 10m+

✔️ Provide a more complete B complex vitamin, minerals & useful protein for overall development

✔️ The digestion system of little one at this stage is not fully develop yet, therefore our specially formulated grains are with softer texture produced from the milling paddy grains that easily to be digested by Baby

✔️ 经过精挑细选,是有机原生态种植与无任何添加剂 的谷类

✔️ 由营养专家的黄金配方,专为10个月或以上宝宝的成长配方

✔️ 全面性的均衡营养,含高维生素组合,蛋白质等等

✔️ 易宝宝消化,可减轻宝宝肚子涨风

STEP 5 – Baby Organic Natural SUPER-Grain

🍚天然珍珠糙米, 天然珍珠白米, 有机原生态种植Bario黑米, 有机培植原生态Bario红米, 有机玉米粒, 有机小米 , 有机 小小米(白色)

✔️Super-Grain is excellent for toddlers because it helps strengthen immune system

✔️Promote child overall development, improve intelligence and prevent allergic skin diseases

✔️ 经过精挑细选,是有机原生态种植与无任何添加剂 的谷类

✔️ 由营养专家的黄金配方,专为一岁半或以上宝宝的成长配方

✔️ 全面性的均衡营养,含高维生素组合,蛋白质等等

✔️ 易宝宝消化,可减轻宝宝肚子涨风

✔️ Natural Pearl Brown Rice with only its rice husk being removed and retains cereal germ & endothelium. The cereal germ is extremely good for toddler’s immune system, bone development, brain development, prevent allergic skin diseases and many more.

Pre-Cooking Preparation :

– Rice : Soak for about 15-30 minutes

– Porridge : No Soaking required

Cooking Instruction :

– Wash and Rinse grain, then pour into rice cooker

– Add water of the portion between grain and rice ratio

Porridge – 1.0 (Grain) : 10 (Water) / Rice – 1.0 (Grain) : 1.2 (Water)

– Close the Pot's lid and cook in rice cooker

– Gently Stir the bottom to balance out moisture before serving

Additional Information

重量 1.20 公斤
尺寸 0.00 × 0.00 × 0.00 厘米




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