Jordan Kid’s Toothpaste Step by Step Range (NEW PUMP) 婴幼儿水果牙膏

Jordan Kid’s Toothpaste Step by Step Range (NEW PUMP) 婴幼儿水果牙膏


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SKU: Jordan Kid-2499 Category:

– For your kid’s dental needs, you need Jordan’s Step 1 toothpaste.

– Jordan’s Step 1 toothpaste is specifically formulated to protect your kid’s milk teeth.

– Step 1 toothpaste are made at a recommended fluoride level and 0% SLS.

– Step 1 toothpaste is also perfect for your kid’s picky taste buds.

– It has a mild and fruity flavour suited for a kid’s delicate young mouth.

– It is packed with fun and recognizable design.

– At the age of 6 to 12 years old, kids are prone to cavity and tooth decay.

– You need Jordan’s Toothpaste to prevent these dental problems.

– Step 2 toothpaste has 0% SLS and contains fluoride suitable for kids aged 6 to 12 years old. 

– It also comes in mild-fruity flavors that kids will surely love.

– Step 2 toothpaste is also specifically formulated to provide gentle protection.

– With Step 2 toothpaste, parents can stop worrying about their kids’ dental care routine.

*colour will choose randomly 

Additional Information

重量 0.25 公斤
尺寸 8.00 × 8.00 × 8.00 厘米

Step1-Strawberry, Step2-Grape



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